Our policy on science funding

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Funding for science is essential for a healthy nation and a healthy economy. UK Medical research leads to improvements in health and generates significant wealth and investment.
Research funded and supported by Cancer Research UK does not take place in isolation. We need research in universities and the NHS to be world-class so that we can fund the best science and find new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer.
Government investment in science is crucial to ensure that UK science remains strong and to secure a bright future for medical research in the UK. This includes investment in the Charity Research Support Fund (CRSF), to enable life-saving research to be conducted. The CRSF covers the indirect costs of research, such as the maintenance of laboratories, which charities like CRUK cannot pay as, supporters’ donations are spent directly on research activity.
Related documents
Invest 2035 - CRUK Consultation Response - November 2024
Horizon Europe association X-sector statement (March 2023)
Call for the next Prime Minister to back research and innovation (July 2022)
Understanding the Economic Value of Cancer Research (June 2022) - Full report
Open letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer on investing in R&D
Response to UK Government R&D Roadmap (August 2020)
Powering the next decade of world-leading cancer research (June 2020)
Call for the next Prime Minister to back R&D (June 2019)
Response to Adrian Smith Review on international collaboration (May 2019)