Cancer Strategy in England

Information about the independent NHS England Cancer Taskforce, and Cancer Research UK's role.
Achieving world-class cancer outcomes: a strategy for England 2015-2020
In July 2015 an Independent Cancer Taskforce published Achieving world-class cancer outcomes: a strategy for England 2015-2020. An Executive Summary and Equality Impact Assessment is also available. The aim was to improve survival rates and save thousands of lives. The taskforce was asked to deliver the vision set out in the NHS Five Year Forward View.
The Chair of the Taskforce, Harpal Kumar, set out the opportunities to transform cancer services in a letter to the Chief Executives of the bodies responsible for running the NHS, and on the Cancer Research UK blog.
The report built on the statement of intent, published in March 2015, which assessed the opportunity for improved cancer care, set out the key questions for the taskforce to address and outlined the key ambitions and initiatives to be considered.
Independent National Cancer Advisory Group
An Independent National Cancer Advisory Group has been established to advise and assess on progress of implementation of Achieving World Class Cancer Outcomes (AWCCO). The group is independent of Government, the NHS Arms Length Bodies and the National Cancer Transformation Board. The Terms of Reference for the Group are available.
How Cancer Research UK is involved
Our Chief Executive, Sir Harpal Kumar acted as the independent Chair of the Cancer Taskforce. Sir Harpal is now the Chair of the Independent National Cancer Advisory Group.
Members of the National Cancer Advisory Group
Harpal Kumar – Independent Chair
Charlotte Beardmore - Society and College of Radiographers
Nicola Beech - Royal College of Nursing
Emma Greenwood - Cancer Research UK
Johnathan Joffe - Royal College of Physicians
Kate Lee - CLIC Sargent
Suzy Lishman - Royal College of Pathologists
Jane Lyons - Cancer 52
Delyth Morgan - Common Cancers Coalition
Paul O’Flynn - Royal College of Surgeons
Linda Pepper - patient representative
John Reeve - patient representative
Nicola Strickland - Royal College of Radiologists
Richard Roope - Royal College of General Practitioners
Fran Woodard - Macmillan Cancer Support
Mark Kroese - Faculty of Public Health
Related documents
Independent National Cancer Advisory Group joint statement on the NHS 10 year plan (September 2018)
Independent National Cancer Advisory Group meeting minutes (Jan 2018)
Independent National Cancer Advisory Group meeting minutes (Apr 2017)
Independent National Cancer Advisory Group meeting minutes (Jan 2017)
Independent National Cancer Advisory Group meeting minutes (Sep 2016)
Independent National Cancer Advisory Group meeting minutes (March 2016)
Achieving world-class cancer outcomes: a strategy for England 2015-2020 (July 2015) – full report
Statement of intent (March 2015)
Letter to the Chief Executives of the bodies responsible for running the NHS
Independent National Cancer Advisory Group terms of reference