Before you contact us, use the Help Hub topics below to find your answer.
Is your question about donations (including bank details and cheques), Direct Debits, donating items, Gift Aid, legacy gifts, refunds, requesting a receipt, or the CRUK lottery?
Is your question about online fundraising (Giving Page), fundraising materials (eg sponsorship forms), fundraising groups, fundraising ideas, or planning and promoting your event?
Is your question about signing up, changing or withdrawing from an event or challenge, event materials (eg t-shirts), your or a group registration or event details?
Is your question about a particular type of cancer, symptoms, treatment, living with cancer, clinical trials, research, or health information (eg leaflets)? Or do you want to call or write to a cancer nurse?
Is your question about our vacancies, the status of your job application, early career options, visa sponsorship, volunteer roles, or volunteering opportunities for under 18s?
Is your question about press office details, existing and new partnerships or the charity (including the Cancer Research UK head office address, charity number, how Cancer Research UK spends money and more)?