Resources and Tools for Oesophago-Gastric Cancer

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Learning and Development Tools

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A national campaign to raise awareness of oesophago-gastric cancers ran from 26 January to 22 February 2015.

The following briefings for the 2015 national oesophago-gastric cancers campaign are now available to download:

Download a campaign overview briefing

Download a pharmacy team briefing

Three stakeholder meetings were held in London, Liverpool and Nottingham in December 2014. They were attended by primary and secondary care colleagues, representatives from public health, clinical networks and communications teams. Elements from the stakeholder meetings are available below, and more items will be added as they become available. The presentation slides are free to be used but please do not the change the content.

Public Health England presented the plans for the advertising elements of the oesophago-gastric cancers campaign. View the slides in ‘slide show’ format and click on the icons to run the video and sound elements. Notes are also included on these slides for additional information.

Professor Mike Griffin, professor of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Northern Oesophago-Gastric Unit, provided his view on the oesophago-gastric cancers campaign and reflected on the results of the local and regional pilot campaigns. View presentation slides

Watch a video presented at the events, on health care professionals' reflections on the impact of the regional pilot campaign(link is external)

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but below are a few of the papers that we have found useful in the development of the campaign.

In Family Practice, a paper by Wallander M-A et al highlights that approximately 3 people in every 200 in the UK have dyspepsia.

Wallander M-A et al. Dyspepsia in general practice: incidence, risk factors, comorbidity and mortality. Family Practice 24:5, p.403-411

Tentseris V et al published in Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery and discussed the poor awareness of symptoms of oesophageal cancer and this has been supported by other work, including the Cancer Awareness Measure survey which is run by CRUK.

The paper by Keeble S et al published in the International Journal of Cancer highlights the variation in promptness of presentation among patients diagnosed with cancer. It looks at 18 different cancers including oesophageal and stomach cancers

The review by Parkin D, M et al looks at cancers that are attributable to lifestyle and environmental risks.

Arnold, M et al look at both SC and OAC incidence and quantify the global burden of oesophageal cancer by histological subtype.

There are a number of papers that discuss Barrett’s Oesophagus, the precursor to some oesophageal cancers. It is estimated that between 1 in 200 and 1 in 1000 patients who have Barrett’s Oesophagus will develop oesophageal cancer.

Hvid-Jensen F, Pedersen L, Drewes AM, Sørensen HT, Funch-Jensen P (2011) Incidence of adenocarcinoma among patients with Barrett's esophagus. New England Journal of Medicine. 365, 1375-83.

Yousef F, Cardwell C, Cantwell MM, Galway K, Johnston BT, Murray L (2008) The incidence of esophageal cancer and high-grade dysplasia in Barrett's esophagus: a systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Epidemiology. 168, 237-49.

Preview the leaflet to get an idea of the look and feel of the campaign

Download campaign materials prepared for the 2015 regional campaign

Two separate posters have been developed for this campaign, one focused on food sticking when swallowing and the other on indigestion/heartburn. Where possible, please display both posters as both symptoms are featured in the campaign.

If you wish to add partner logos or replace the standard NHS logo with a local NHS logo on any of these items please contact

New - Accessible versions of the leaflet for the upcoming 2015 national oesophago-gastric cancers campaign are now available to download:

Download an easy-read format of the campaign leaflet

Download a large print format of the campaign leaflet

Download an audio verson of the campaign leaflet

View a British Sign Language version of the campaign leaflet below:



Order hard copies of campaign leaflets and posters via the Health and Social Care Orderline or call 0300 123 1002.

Order hard copies of accessible versions of the campaign leaflet by contacting

Prior to translating any materials please read the guidance provided on the link below. Translating materials, while important, may not always be the best approach. Be Clear on Cancer materials are written in plain, straightforward English. This is often more accessible for less literate English speakers than complex translated materials.

Review guidance on things to consider before translating materials into different languages.

A PR and communications toolkit has been developed to provide information and resources to help NHS communications Leads and Cancer Networks that want to support the national oesophago-gastric cancers campaign, and ensure more people are aware of the importance of diagnosing oesophago-gastric cancers.

Download the PR and communications toolkit

A series of road shows are going to take place at shopping centres and football stadiums across England. Please note, that the schedules have been booked and confirmed with all of the venues, however there may be some instances, which are out of our control, where a venue may need to be rescheduled. In the unlikely event this happens, the schedule will be updated and shared as soon as possible.

Download Shopping Centre Schedule

Download Football Stadium Schedule

There are a number of online tools that may help healthcare professionals to review the latest information available on oesophago-gastric cancers.

Test your knowledge with the bespoke interactive modules on oesophago-gastric cancers at Access British Oncology Pharmacy Association’s Learning Centre.

Access BMJ's learning tools on early diagnosis and Barrett's oesophagus.

To support GPs, Cancer Research UK has funded a CPD accredited eCME module on oesophago-gastric cancers. This has been authored by William Allum, Consultant Surgeon and Irfan Halim, Specialist Registrar from the Royal Marsden and is available on The module aims to provide information on symptoms, patient presentation, risk factors, appropriate referral of patients with suspected oesophago-gastric cancers and current treatment approaches.

Source cancer statistics for your practice or local area using the following tools:

View Public Health England's GP Practice Profiles Source information about key indicators relating to cancer services for most GP practices in England and aims to help GP practices consider which services they offer to their patients.

Be Clear on Cancer statement 

Be Clear on Cancer was a cancer awareness campaign led by Public Health England, working in partnership with the Department of Health and NHS England. This page contains links to documents that we hope you find useful. Please note however that the views or opinions expressed within those links are not necessarily those of Cancer Research UK. 

Last reviewed