'Breast cancer in women over 70' campaign: Resources and tools

Be Clear on Cancer logo breast cancer in women over 70 campaign

Learning and Development Tools

Visit the CRUK learning and development tools page for further information, resources and tools.

Find out more

The information on this page aims to help those responsible for services that may be affected by the national ‘breast cancer in women over 70’ campaign. Where available, data and insights are provided from the first national campaign and previous pilot campaigns.

Preview the leaflet to get an idea of the look and feel of the campaign

Download campaign materials prepared for the 2015 national campaign

If you wish to add partner logos or replace the standard NHS logo with a local NHS logo on any of these items please contact partnerships@phe.gov.uk

The campaign leaflet is available in a number of accessible formats:

Download a large-print version of the campaign leaflet

Download an easy-read version of the campaign leaflet

Download an audio version of the campaign leaflet

View a British Sign Language version of the campaign leaflet below:

Order hard copies of campaign leaflets and posters(link is external) via the Health and Social Care Orderline or call 0300 123 1002.

Product codes:

A3 Breast poster – 3047694

A4 Breast poster – 3047717

Symptom cards English – 3054349

6pp A5 leaflet – 2903919

Symptom cards Bengali – 3047757A

Symptom cards Gujurati – 3047757B

Symptom cards Urdu – 3047757C

Symptom cards Punjabi – 3047757D

Order hard copies of accessible versions of the campaign leaflet by contacting enquiries@phe.gov.uk

Prior to translating any materials please read the guidance provided on the link below. Translating materials, while important, may not always be the best approach. Be Clear on Cancer materials are written in plain, straightforward English. This is often more accessible for less literate English speakers than complex translated materials.

Review guidance on things to consider before translating materials into different languages.

In June 2015, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) updated their urgent referral guidelines for suspected cancer, including breast. Read more:

View Cancer Research UK NICE guidelines information page, including a summary of the main changes and tools and resources for Health Professionals.

Source cancer statistics for your practice or local area using the following tools:

View Cancer Research UK local cancer statsFind and compare statistical information and intelligence about cancer in areas across the UK. Available data includes cancer incidence, survival and mortality, early diagnosis, screening and smoking.

View Public Health England's GP Practice Profiles. Source information about key indicators relating to cancer services for most GP practices in England and aims to help GP practices consider which services they offer to their patients.

Be Clear on Cancer statement 

Be Clear on Cancer was a cancer awareness campaign led by Public Health England, working in partnership with the Department of Health and NHS England. This page contains links to documents that we hope you find useful. Please note however that the views or opinions expressed within those links are not necessarily those of Cancer Research UK. 

Last reviewed

Local cancer statistics

Use Local Cancer Statistics to find and compare statistical information and intelligence about cancer in areas across the UK. Data covers healthcare areas, consitituencies, local authorities and postcode.