Together we are beating cancer


Dundee Superstore

37 Le Pollet, St Peter Port, Guernsey , GY1 1ZG

Monday - Saturday
09:30 - 19:00

10:00 - 18:00

Contact this superstore

For opening times and for more information about how you can donate, purchase and volunteer, call this number:

01382 453808

Local call charges may apply


You can follow the store on Twitter for updates at @CRUKDundeeSS.

What items can I donate?

  • Men's, women's and children's clothing
  • Accessories including shoes, belts, handbags and jewellery
  • Quality homeware - anything from cushions to crockery
  • Linens
  • Books, CDs and DVDs
  • Electricals (but please check with your local shop before you donate these)

What not to donate

  • White goods such as fridges and washing machines
  • Damaged or broken goods

Search for your nearest recycling centre by visiting

How to donate

Find your nearest shop and drop in your donations. Each bag that you donate to us could be worth £25, based on the average bag value, which goes directly to supporting our groundbreaking work.

How to volunteer in this shop

If you're interested in volunteering we'd love to hear from you. Visit our volunteering page to see what roles we have available and complete our online application form. Or call the number on this page and ask to speak to the Shop Manager.

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