DETERMINE is a cutting edge UK national precision medicine trial in rare cancers, testing a range of therapies specifically targeting key genetic changes in cancer cells.
How to take part
1. Speak to your doctor
The doctor will talk to you about the trial.
If you're a patient at a participating site, you'll be given a patient information sheet.
2. Make a decision
You'll be able to ask any questions and think about whether you want to take part.
If you do, you'll be asked for consent to share your data to assess if the trial is suitable for you.
3. Referral
Your doctor will contact a suitable participating site where the trial is taking place.
They'll share your clinical data with the site and discuss your eligibility.
Frequently asked questions
Clinical trials are medical research studies which involve people.
All new treatments need to be thoroughly tested before being made available. New drugs are first tested in a laboratory. If they look promising, they are tested on people.
Once enrolled on the trial, you'll need to attend the hospital regularly. This will include having blood tests and occasional scans.
Depending on which drug you are given, it will be taken orally or through your bloodstream. Any side effects of your treatment will be monitored and treated during these appointments.
You can stay on the trial for as long as the treatment is helping you.
Once you have stopped taking the treatment, you'll have an End of Treatment Visit approximately a month later.
Follow up visits will be conducted every 3 months for 2 years to monitor any side effects. These may be conducted virtually or over the phone.
Before deciding if the trial is right for you, you'll get detailed information about the trial. This will be in what we call an informed consent document. The nurse and/or doctor will also discuss the trial with you. They'll be able to describe what the trial involves and answer any questions that you or your friends/family may have.
If you decide to take part in the trial, support will be available through a dedicated trial team. You'll also get the contact details of your trial team so you can call them at any time.
Further support is provided for reimbursement of reasonable travel expenses for trial visits.
The side effects you may experience will depend on the treatment you receive.
All the drugs used in the trial are already licensed for treating certain types of cancer. This means that most of the side effects are well-known and your doctor will talk to you about them. But there may be other side effects we don't yet know about.
Your doctor will check up on you regularly to see if you are experiencing any side effects and treat them if you are