Walk All Over Cancer Terms and Conditions

Walk All Over Cancer rules
Updated 27/02/20

These rules apply to Walk All Over Cancer, and by registering for Walk All Over Cancer, you agree to comply with them and confirm that you satisfy the age requirements set out below. Please check this page from time to time, as we may occasionally amend these Rules and any changes will be binding on all participants and supporters.
If you have any questions or complaints, please contact the Walk All Over Cancer, hotline on 0300 123 1022* and a member of our team will be happy to help you.
Walk All Over Cancer, is organised by Cancer Research UK.

Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464), Scotland (SC041666), the Isle of Man (1103) and Jersey (247).

A company limited by guarantee. Registered company in England and Wales (4325234) and the Isle of Man (5713F). Registered address: 2 Redman Place, London, E20 1JQ.

1.  Walk All Over Cancer, is a fundraising event open to UK residents aged 18.

2. Only registered participants are eligible to take part in Walk All Over Cancer.

Fundraising packs and other assistance from Cancer Research UK
1. Upon completion of registration, participants will be sent a fundraising pack via email. This pack will also be available to download from http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/support-us/find-an-event/charity-walks/walk-all-over-cancer/fundraising-ideas

2. We will keep you informed on your fundraising progress and send you information on your challenge and how to fundraise via email, SMS and telephone communications.

3. We strongly recommend that you consult our fundraising web pages which contain tips on how to keep your event safe, legal and fun. Click here.

Sponsorship Money and Donations
1.  Any monies raised in connection with Walk All Over Cancer, are held on trust for Cancer Research UK, and therefore all participants have a legal responsibility to ensure that all sponsorship monies/donations received in connection with Walk All Over Cancer, are paid to Cancer Research UK, and we ask that you do this as soon as possible after Walk All Over Cancer, finishes. Money pledged via online fundraising pages is collected automatically. Other ways to pay in sponsorship monies/donations are as follows:

  • Call the relevant telephone number given at the top of these Rules and provide credit or debit card details to make a payment over the phone
  • Send cheques made payable to "Cancer Research UK" to:

Cancer Research UK,
PO Box 1561,

stating Walk All Over Cancer, on the reverse

2.  Please ensure that all sponsorship forms are filled out in full and are returned to us to enable Gift Aid to be claimed where possible.

Use of Personal Data
1. By providing personal data when you register for Walk All Over Cancer, you confirm that you consent to such data being used by us for the purposes of organising and administering Walk All Over Cancer, and you agree that CRUK can use the details that you have provided to discuss your fundraising activity and follow up on your progress. If you provide personal data on behalf of additional entrants, you also confirm that you have obtained their consent for such data to be used for the same purposes.

2. Your personal information may also be used for the purposes of sending communications to you where you have confirmed that you would like to receive further information about the charity’s work when registering for Walk All Over Cancer.

3.  All personal data held by us will be handled in accordance with applicable privacy laws and CRUK’s privacy statement which can be found here.

1.  By posting any content (e.g. photos and videos) on Walk All Over Cancer, website or social media forums (“Services”), you give Cancer Research UK a non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free worldwide right to use and reproduce that content and you, on behalf of yourself and any copyright owner, waive your and their moral rights in that content in favour of Cancer Research UK.
2. Cancer Research UK may remove any content posted by you or access by you to our Services if you do not comply with these Rules.

1. Use of the Walk All Over Cancer, a website is subject to our website terms and conditions.
2. All participants enter Walk All Over Cancer, entirely at their own risk and so far as permitted by law, Cancer Research UK shall not be liable for any injury, damage or loss to participants or their property that might occur as a result of their participation.

* Please note that calls to our hotline may be monitored or recorded to allow us to maintain our standards of customer service.