DETERMINE for patients
DETERMINE is a tumour agnostic trial. This means that it doesn’t matter what type of cancer you have, or where it started in the body.
Eligibility criteria
Adults, teenagers and children who have a genetic change in their cancer (e.g. a rare form of cancer, or a common form of cancer with a rare genetic change). Your tumour must be screened for actionable genetic alterations prior to the trial. This can be done through the NHS Genomics Medicine Service.
In addition, patients must meet the following:
- exhausted (or declined) standard-of-care treatment options
- no effective standard treatment available
- disease progression on previous treatments
What is DETERMINE and what to expect

Centre for Drug Development
The Cancer Research UK Centre for Drug Development (CDD) partners with academics, biotech, and pharma to deliver early-phase clinical trials, accelerating the next generation of cancer treatments to patients.

Patient Involvement
Cancer Research UK actively involves people affected by cancer in their work. This insight is helping beat cancer sooner while ensuring the needs of patients and their families and loved ones are met.

Cancer Chat
Cancer Chat is Cancer Research UK's fully moderated forum where you can talk to others affected by cancer, share experiences, and get support. Cancer Chat is free to join and available 24 hours a day.