Fees and charges for Cancer Research UK Giving Pages

How much of your donation comes to Cancer Research UK

You have the right to know exactly what happens to your donations. That’s why we’re being transparent on our fees.

The only fee deducted from your donation is the payment processing fee. This is the fee charged by your credit or debit card provider, or by PayPal UK when you donate. The fee varies depending on how you choose to pay.

What that looks like

As an example, if you donated £10 and chose to add Gift Aid, Cancer Research UK would get:

Your donation +£10
Payment processing fee ~0.7%* -£0.07
Gift Aid +£2.50
Total donation £12.43

*Fees vary depending on whether you use a credit or debit card (0.7% on average), or PayPal UK (1.4% + 20p per transaction)

More of the money you raise goes towards beating cancer sooner when you use your Cancer Research UK Giving Page. Apart from payment processing fees, every penny donated goes to Cancer Research UK.

Cancer Research UK Giving Pages have been built by the charity. That means we don't pay any set-up costs or subscription fees to a third-party provider.