Set up a JustGiving page
Raising money online couldn't be simpler. If you haven't already, set up a JustGiving fundraising page so your friends and family can sponsor you in a matter of minutes.
JustGiving have created a really useful video on how to use your JustGiving page to make fundraising really easy. Watch the video.
Why fundraise online?
- It’s easy to set up and manage. Your friends and family can sponsor you from anywhere at any time and you don’t need to spend time collecting money.
- You can use it as well regular donation forms, giving friends and family two ways to support you.
- If you are a UK taxpayer, JustGiving will automatically reclaim at least 25% in Gift Aid on your donation at no additional cost to you.
Ways to make the most of your page
- Make your page as interesting as possible by adding photos and videos and letting everyone know why you’re raising money for cancer research.
- Share your page on Facebook and Twitter and email it to your friends and family. More and more donations are being made via social media so be sure to share a link to your page.
- Let people know that their donation will make a real difference to our research. We are funded entirely by the public and their money can help save lives.
- Allow your supporters to donate by text using JustTextGiving. Texts are free and 100% of the donation, plus Gift Aid, goes to charity.
- Use the JustGiving app on your iPhone or Android to update your page.