Policy publications and research tenders

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We commission policy research to inform our thinking and to develop a wider evidence-base for positive change. See all the publications from our policy teams and and current research tenders relevant to policy.
Latest publications
Out of sight, Out of Mind? (April 2021) - full report
Out of sight, Out of Mind? (April 2021) - executive summary
E-cigarette marketing in the UK – full report (March 2021)
Creating time for Research (February 2021) - full report
Creating time for Research (February 2021) - supplementary survey report
Making Outcome-Based Payment a Reality in the NHS: Full Report (February 2019)
The Future of Clinical Trials After Brexit report (August 2018)
Still under pressure; But pressing for change (July 2019) - full report
Lessons from the digital frontline (June 2019) - full report
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Current research tenders
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Archive of publications by theme
Still under pressure; But pressing for change (July 2019) - full report
Lessons from the digital frontline (June 2019) - full report
Digital Feast (June 2019) - full report
Paying the price (March 2019) - full report
See it, Want it, Buy it, Eat It (October 2018) - full report
Youth Perceptions of Drinking and Alcohol Marketing (August 2018) – full report
Stop Smoking Inequalities: A systematic review of socioeconomic inequalities in experiences of smoking cessation interventions in the UK - full report (July 2018)
A Prime Time for Action (March 2018) - full report
Under Pressure – A Study of Junk Food Marketing and Young People’s Diets (March 2018) - full report
10 years on (January 2018) - full report
It's just there to trick you (November 2017) - full report
Specialist views of alcohol marketing regulation in the UK (July 2017) - full report
Youth engagement with alcohol brands in the UK (July 2017) - full report
A weighty issue (March 2017) - full report
Understanding GP Attitudes to Cancer Preventing Drugs (February 2017) - executive summary
Understanding GP Attitudes to Cancer Preventing Drugs (February 2017) - full report
Electronic cigarette marketing: Current research and policy (October 2016)
Short and sweet: why the Government should introduce a sugary drinks tax (February 2016)
Tipping the scales: why preventing obesity makes economic sense (January 2016)
Tobacco Control Endgames: Global initiatives and implications for the UK (July 2014) – full report
The marketing of electronic cigarettes in the UK (November 2013)
Smuggling, the tobacco industry, and plain [standard] packs (November 2012) - executive summary
Smuggling, the tobacco industry, and plain [standard] packs (November 2012) - full report
Tobacco packaging written by the Centre for Tobacco Control Research (March 2012) - full report
Accelerating the translation of early detection and diagnosis research in cancer (July 2018). A summary of a workshop held by the Academy of Medical Sciences and Cancer Research UK, 7 February 2018.
‘Testing Times to Come?‘ An evaluation of pathology capacity across the UK - full report
Advancing Care, Advancing Years: Treating and Caring for an Ageing Population (June 2018) - breifing
Molecular Diagnostic Provision in England (2015)
Molecular Diagnostic Provision in Wales (2015)
Vision for Radiotherapy 2014-2024 (March 2014)
An evaluation of cancer surgery services in the UK (February 2014) - executive summary
An evaluation of cancer surgery services in the UK (February 2014) - full report
Achieving a world-class radiotherapy service across the UK (July 2009) - executive summary
Achieving a world-class radiotherapy service across the UK (July 2009) - full report
‘Full team ahead’ (December 2017) – executive summary
‘Full team ahead’ (December 2017) – full report
Measuring up? The health of NHS cancer services (September 2014) - executive summary
Measuring up? The health of NHS cancer services (September 2014) - full report
Cancer Services: Reverse, Pause or Progress? (December 2012) - executive summary
Cancer Services: Reverse, Pause or Progress? (December 2012) - full report
Cancer Services: Reverse, Pause or Progress? (December 2012) - recommendations
Regulation and governance of health research: five years on (June 2017) - full report
Every patient a research patient? (May 2015)
Investment and Impact: How Government supports science in the UK (July 2015)
Impact: Investing in Medical Research for the UK’s Health and Wealth (July 2014)
Medical Research: What's It Worth? (June 2014)
Exploring the interdependencies of research funders in the UK (June 2014)
Working together: The impact of medical research on the health and wealth of the nation (May 2013)
Ideal Environment for Medical Research (December 2011)
Exploring the Interdependency between Public and Charitable Medical Research (April 2011)