Fibrocystic breast changes
Fibrocystic breast changes are a non cancerous (benign) condition. Doctors sometimes call fibrocystic breast changes fibrocystic breast disease.
Many breast lumps are due to fibrocystic changes. The lumps can be caused by a collection of fibrous tissue in an area of the breast. Fibrous tissue is the same tissue that ligaments and scar tissue are made of.
The lumps can also be caused by one or more collections of fluid in an area of the breast. These are called cysts.
Fibrocystic breast changes can happen in different parts of the breast and in both breasts at the same time.
Do fibrocystic breast changes affect the risk of breast cancer?
Fibrocystic changes in the breast don't increase the risk of breast cancer. But it is important to see your GP if you notice any changes in your breasts. This is to check the cause of these changes.
Who gets fibrocystic changes?
Many women have fibrocystic changes in their breasts at some time in their lives. They are most common in women between the ages of 35 and 50 years. But they can affect women of any age.
It is rare for men to get breast cysts.
Your breasts might feel lumpy and they may feel tender or painful. Some people might have a clear or slightly cloudy discharge from the nipple.
Cysts tend to be round or oval, movable lumps and can be tender to the touch. The cysts might get bigger and become painful and more noticeable just before your period. You might find any pain or tenderness changes with your menstrual cycle.
Cysts start out from fluid building up inside the breast glands. They start as tiny, microscopic cysts that are too small to feel. They can only be seen when breast tissue is looked at under a microscope. Larger cysts are easy to feel and can be up to 1 or 2 inches across. As the cysts grow the breast tissue around them can stretch and be tender or painful.
Areas of fibrosis can feel rubbery, firm, or hard to the touch.
It is important to always get a breast lump or other symptoms of breast cancer checked by your GP. They will arrange for you to have tests to find out whether your symptoms are due to cancer or not.
Diagnosing fibrocystic breast changes
Usually, fibrocystic changes are diagnosed when women go to their doctor with symptoms, such as breast lumps, swelling, and tenderness or pain.
If you have breast symptoms, your GP might refer you to a breast clinic. This might be a one-stop clinic where you have several tests during one visit (a triple assessment). The tests can diagnose breast cancer and other breast conditions.
Your doctor or specialist nurse will examine your breasts. You might also have an ultrasound scan and sometimes a breast x-ray (mammogram).
If these tests show an abnormal area your doctor or nurse takes a sample of tissue. You might have a or you might have a
Treatment for fibrocystic breast changes
You might not need any treatment for fibrocystic changes.
If it isn't clear what the lump is or if it is causing soreness or pain, your doctor or nurse might put a thin needle into it to drain fluid. This can get rid of a cyst and also get rid of the soreness.
If you have mild soreness due to fibrosis, you might find that it helps to:
- wear well-fitted, supportive bras
- take mild painkillers
Some people say their breast pain improves if they avoid caffeine or reduce the amount of salt they take. Also for some people, taking evening primrose oil may help. But there isn’t enough scientific evidence to say that these do help improve the symptoms.
Talk to your GP about other possible treatments if these suggestions don’t help. Other treatments might include:
- other painkillers
- hormonal therapy
These other treatments may help improve your breast pain. But they can sometimes cause side effects. Your doctor or specialist nurse can give you more information about the benefits and risks.
Follow up
Most people won’t need regular follow up and will ususlly see their doctor only if they have problems.
Others might have appointments every 3 to 6 months if they have long term pain and lots of cysts over time.
It can be difficult to cope with breast pain and soreness. Or you might worry each month there is something more serious than a cyst or breast pain. It’s important to remember that breast pain and cysts are not ususlly a sign of cancer.
For help and support you can call our nurse freephone helpline on 0808 800 4040. They are available from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Or you can send them a question online.