Fibrocystic breast changes

Fibrocystic breast changes are a non cancerous (benign) condition.

What is Courvoisier syndrome?

Courvoisier syndrome is also called Courvoisier's law or Courvoisier's sign. It means that you have jaundice and a gallbladder that is enlarged but is not painful.

Spitz naevus

Spitz naevus is a rare type of mole that is non cancerous (benign).


Angiomyxomas are a rare type of soft tissue tumour (lump). They are not thought of as cancer because they usually grow quite slowly and they don't usually spread to other parts of the body.


Lipomas are non cancerous lumps caused by an overgrowth of fat cells.

Gorlin syndrome

Gorlin syndrome is also called naevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome. It's a rare condition where people might develop a type of skin cancer called basal cell carcinoma.

Barrett's oesophagus

Barrett’s oesophagus means that some cells in the lining of your food pipe have started to change. In a small number of people these cells may develop into oesophageal cancer over a long period of time.


A schwannoma is a non cancerous (benign) tumour of the tissue that covers nerves, called the nerve sheath. 

Molar pregnancy

In a molar pregnancy the fertilisation of the egg by the sperm goes wrong and creates abnormal cells or clusters of water filled sacs inside the womb. Molar pregnancies are not cancer (they are benign). 

Last reviewed: 
27 Feb 2024
Next review due: 
27 Feb 2027