The womb is the pear shaped muscular organ that holds a baby during pregnancy. Most womb cancers start in the lining of the womb. They are also called uterine or endometrial cancer. The endometrium is the lining of the womb.

What is womb cancer?

Womb cancer starts in the womb (uterus). You may also hear it called endometrial cancer. The endometrium is the lining of the womb. Endometrial cancer is the most common type of womb cancer.

Symptoms of womb cancer

The most common symptom of womb cancer is abnormal bleeding from the vagina. This is especially in women who have stopped having periods (post menopausal women).

Getting diagnosed with womb cancer

You usually start by seeing your GP if you have symptoms that could be due to womb cancer. Your doctor will then decide whether to do tests or refer you to a specialist.

Survival for womb cancer

Survival depends on many factors including the stage and grade of your womb cancer.

Treatment for womb cancer

Your treatment depends on several factors. These include what type of womb cancer you have, how big it is, whether it has spread (the stage) and the grade. It also depends on your general health.

Stages, types and grades of womb cancer

The stage of a cancer tells you about its size and whether it has spread. The type means the type of cell the cancer started from. The grade means how abnormal the cells look under the microscope.

Advanced womb cancer

Advanced womb cancer means it has spread to other parts of the body. Treatment might help to control symptoms.

Research and clinical trials for womb cancer

Current research is looking at diagnosing and treating womb cancer.

Living with womb cancer

There is support available during and after treatment to help you cope. This includes support from your clinical nurse specialist, cancer charities, community services, and family and friends.

Risks and causes of womb cancer

Being overweight or obese is one of the biggest risks of womb cancer in the UK. There are some other risk factors that can increase your risk of developing womb cancer.

Last reviewed: 
07 Feb 2024
Next review due: 
07 Feb 2027