After vulval cancer surgery
It can help to know what to expect when you wake up from vulval cancer surgery.
You will wake up with a few tubes in place such as a drip and urinary catheter. You could feel quite drowsy at first.
How long you stay in hospital depends on what operation you have. You might be able to go home on the same day if you had a small operation. Or you may need to stay in hospital for a few days. You will need to allow yourself time to recover when you get home.
When you wake up after your operation
After your operation, you usually wake up in the recovery room in theatre. You go back to the ward as soon as you're awake and your temperature, blood pressure, pulse and breathing rate are stable.
You'll feel drowsy for a while because of the anaesthetic and painkillers.
Tubes and drains
You may have a drip in your hand or arm to give you fluids until you are eating and drinking again. To help prevent any infection, you may also have antibiotics through the drip.
You might have a tube (catheter) put into your bladder while you are in theatre. Depending on the operation you've had, this may only stay in overnight. Or you may need it for a longer period of time. The catheter will drain urine from your bladder and stop urine from coming into contact with your wound.
If you have had removed from the groin, you will probably have a tube called a drain coming out of each groin wound. This drains the fluid that collects in the groin area and helps to prevent swelling and infection. The drain connects to a bottle to collect the fluid.
The drain usually stays in until no more fluid is coming out. The time this takes varies and the drain may stay in for up to 14 days.
Your wound
You may or may not have a dressing covering your wound. Some surgeons prefer to leave the wound uncovered so that it can be regularly cleaned with lukewarm water. Your nurse will do this for you in the beginning. Other surgeons like the wound covered for a few days. If you do have a dressing over the wound your nurse will change the dressing and clean the wound regularly.
The wound may appear bruised or swollen, this will gradually get better but can take a couple of weeks.
The stitches are usually soluble, so you don't have to have them taken out. Sometimes they can become tight and your nurse can remove them after around 10 days when the area has healed.
Your nurse will tell you how to look after your wound before you go home.
Looking at the vulva
Some women may choose to look at the vulval area soon after surgery, others may prefer to wait. There is no right or wrong way and it is important that you feel ready.
Your nurse can be with you the first time you do this.
It’s normal to have pain for the first week or so. You have painkillers to help.
Tell your doctor or nurse as soon as you feel any pain. They need your help to find the right type and dose of painkiller for you. Painkillers work best when you take them regularly.
Immediately after surgery you might have painkillers through a drip into the bloodstream that you control. This is called patient controlled analgesia (PCA). Analgesia is another word for painkillers.
Or you might have painkillers through a small thin tube that is put into your back. This tube connects to a pump that gives you a constant dose of painkillers. This is called an epidural.
You get painkillers to take home. Your nurse will talk to you about:
- how often to take them
- when to take them
- what side effects you may get
Contact your doctor if you still have pain or if it gets worse.
Eating and drinking
You should be able to eat and drink again as soon as you are fully awake. If you have a drip to give you fluids, this can come down once you are eating and drinking again.
Getting over surgery
You should get over a small operation quite quickly. But it will take longer to recover after a bigger operation. You should allow at least 6 to 8 weeks to get over it. For some people, it can be longer than that. Speak to your surgeon or nurse specialist if you are concerned about the amount of time it is taking you to get over the operation.
You will find moving around difficult at first. You might feel lightheaded and like you don't have the strength to move around very far. This is because you’ve been in bed for a long time. It will get easier the more you do it and the more strength you gain after the operation.
Preventing blood clots and chest infections
You’re usually up and about the day after your operation. Even when you are still in bed, it helps to keep doing the deep breathing and leg exercises you learned before surgery. These help to reduce the risk of blood clots and chest infections.
You may also have compression stockings to help prevent blood clots. You might need to continue wearing them when you go home. Some people might also have injections after their operation to prevent blood clots.
Keeping comfortable
You may find it better to lie propped up on your side, rather than try to sit. An air cushion can make sitting more comfortable.
To keep the area clean and as comfortable as possible, you could try:
- having short warm baths as often as you like - don't put any perfumed bath products, soap, creams, lotions or talc on the wound area
- rinsing your vulval area after passing urine by pouring a jug of lukewarm water over it while you are sitting on the toilet
- using a hairdryer on a cold setting to dry the area instead of a towel
- taking a stool softener, such as lactulose, to make sure you don't get constipated
Tips when you are at home
- Wear loose clothing, it may be more comfortable to wear a skirt without underwear or with boxer shorts.
- Avoid having sex until the wound has fully healed. Your surgeon will let you know when the wound has healed at your follow up appointment.
- Avoid using perfumed soaps and creams on the vulval area.
- Continue with exercises advised by your physiotherapist.
- Do not drive until the wound has healed.
Possible problems after surgery
There is a risk of problems or complications after any operation. Many problems are minor. It is important that you let your doctor know of any problems as soon as possible so you can get the treatment you need.
Follow up appointments
You have regular appointments to check on how you are recovering. This is your opportunity to ask any questions about your recovery and get help if you have any problems or concerns.