Angiosarcoma of the heart
Angiosarcoma is a rare type of soft tissue sarcoma. It is a type of vascular tumour. Vascular tumours develop from endothelial cells. These cells make up the walls of blood or .
Most tumours that start in the heart are . About 10 out of 100 (10%) are
. Most commonly these are soft tissue sarcomas.
We don’t know what causes angiosarcoma of the heart. Some of these cancers have been linked to past radiotherapy treatment. But as it is such a rare cancer, it is difficult to find a common cause.
Symptoms can vary depending on where in the heart the cancer is. Many people don’t have any symptoms until the cancer has spread to other parts of the body (advanced disease).
Symptoms can include:
breathlessness - chest pain
- feeling like you want to faint or fainting
- tiredness
When symptoms do happen, they can be similar to those caused by heart failure. They may include breathlessness, chest pain, or fluid on the lung ().
Sometimes a small piece of the tumour can break off and form a small clump or clot that blocks a . This is called an embolism. If an embolism travels through the bloodstream, it can block a blood vessel near the heart, causing pain.
Embolisms can also travel to other parts of the body, such as the brain, causing a .
Your doctor will examine you. You might have one or more of these tests:
- an
MRI scan - an ultrasound to look at the valves and structure of the heart (an
echocardiogram )
- an ECG (
electrocardiogram )
The main treatment for angiosarcoma of the heart is surgery. Your surgeon aims to remove as much of the cancer as possible, with a border of healthy tissue (margin) around it. Having a border of healthy tissue without any cancer cells is important. It aims to lower the risk of angiosarcoma coming back in the same place.
Unfortunately, it is not always possible to completely remove the cancer. It depends on the size of the sarcoma, and where it is in your heart.
You might also have radiotherapy or chemotherapy as part of your treatment.
If your sarcoma has spread
Sadly, angiosarcoma of the heart often grows quickly. In most people diagnosed, the sarcoma has already spread to other parts of the body. The most common place for it to spread is the lungs. In this situation, surgery will not cure it.
The doctor may offer other treatment to try and control the disease and relieve any symptoms for a time.
Coping with a diagnosis of a rare cancer can be especially difficult. Knowing more about your sarcoma and its treatment can make it easier. It can help you to make decisions and cope with what happens.
Sarcoma UK has support and information for people affected by soft tissue and bone sarcoma.
The Rare Cancer Alliance offer support and information to people with rare cancers.
Talking to other people who have the same thing can also help.
Our discussion forum Cancer Chat is a place for anyone affected by cancer. You can share experiences, stories and information with other people who know what you are going through.